Outdated Offices: Affecting 76% of UK Worker Productivity
A new study of 1,000 UK office workers by saracengroupltd.com has revealed that a huge 3 in
4 (76%) workers find their dated or uninspiring office is having a negative impact on their
productivity. 30% of those surveyed said the impact was high or significant, with only 12% saying
their dated office has little to zero impact on their productivity.
The study also suggests this issue is a hot topic at the water cooler, with over half (54%) of
respondents saying fellow co-workers have confided in them regarding the negative
the impact which their dated office is having on their productivity.
50% say their uninspiring office has a negative impact on their mental well-being.
Beyond productivity, the study looked at how dated offices were impacting the mental well-being of
employees, with over half (51%) saying their uninspiring office has had a negative impact on their
mental well-being. 1 in 5 (20%) cited a high to significant impact, 24% a medium impact, and a
further 25% said their dated office had a small impact on their mental well-being.
As with productivity, the study suggests the impact of a dated office on employees' mental well-
being is being discussed between co-workers, with over 1 in 3 (35%) saying a colleague has
confided in them, saying their uninspiring office is having a negative impact on their mental well-
Over 1 in 3 say their dated office has contributed to mental health issues.
The most alarming area of the study was focused on the impact of a dated or uninspiring office
on mental health, surprisingly with over a third (37%) saying their dated office had contributed
to actual mental health issues. When asked to what degree their dated office contributed to
mental health issues, over 40% cited a medium to significant impact.
Commenting on the survey’s findings, Mike Page, CEO at saracengroupltd.com, said: “It’s
clear to see from the study that dated or uninspiring offices are having a significant negative
impact on the productivity of office workers, which can really impact the bottom line of any
business. More importantly, over 1 in 3 say their dated office has contributed to actual mental
health issues, which is a very issue that UK business owners will need to work to resolve, if
they want a happy, healthy, and productive workforce.”
The study looked further into the specific issues of dated offices which were having a negative
impact on employee’s productivity, and where improvements could be made. When asked what
would help to increase productivity, half (50%) of respondents cited having more natural light as
the priority. This was followed by vibrant colors (17%), open plan designs (13%), ergonomic
furniture (10%), breakout areas (8%), and inspiring meeting rooms (3%) as the most
recommended solutions to dated offices and the negative impact on the employees within.
Almost 3 in 4 (71%) said more natural light within the office would have a high to significant
impact on their productivity, while approximately 39% of respondents said the addition of
ergonomic furniture, vibrant colors, open plan designs, and breakout areas would each have a
high to a significant impact on their productivity in the workplace.
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